Shelly Manne Softly as in a morning sunrise novembre 1977 “French Concert” Galaxy
Vanessa Rubin His eyes on the sparrow juillet 1995 “Sings” Novus R.C.A.
Laverne Butler The blues are out of town aout 1998 “Blues in the city” MaxxJazz
Carla Cook Inner city blues avril 1998 “It’s all about love” MaxxJazz
René Marie Tenesee waltz mai 2000 “Howw can I keep from singing” MaxxJazz
Mary Stallings Sunday kind of love septembre 2000 “Live Villager Vanguard” MaxxJazz
Neena Freelon Journey of the heart 1994 “Listen” Columbia
Art Tatum – B. de Franco Memories of you février 1956 “Tatum-De Franco” Pablo